My Launch for Murder at the Moonshine Inn

Saturday’s launch for Murder at the Moonshine Inn was a success. It was a lovely, warm day in Richmond, Virginia, but that didn’t stop friends, old and new, from coming out to wish me well and get a signed copy of #2 in my Hazel Rose Book Group series.

Me with Cheryl Kapec, winner of the Book Lover's basket

Me with Cheryl Kapec, winner of the Book Lover’s basket

Leslie Johnson and Judy Allen of the Chesterfield County Public Library planned the event. Kelly Justice, owner of Richmond’s Fountain Bookstore, was on hand to sell books. And Perk!,  an independent community café and bakery, supplied the goodies.

I gave a short talk about my redneck bar research, getting a lot of laughs. Laughter is good. Then I held a drawing for prizes, the grand one being a book lover’s basket: a Murder at the Moonshine Inn mug, coffee from Fresh Market, an assortment of tea bags, coconut macaroon almonds, a chocolate medley, and three books: Murder at the Book Group, Virginia is for Mysteries, and Virginia is for Mysteries, Vol. 2. Lucky winners also went home with books generously donated by Sisters in Crime authors Mollie Cox Bryan, Mary Burton, Fiona Quinn, and Heather Baker Weidner. Then I signed and signed.

The room

The room

Purchase Murder at the Moonshine Inn at the Fountain Bookstore.






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