by Paul D. Marks “It is through that broken window that we see the world…” – Alice Walker Someone asked me why I had written my novels the Shamus Award-winning White Heat and the new sequel to it Broken Windows. … Continue reading
Tag Archives: “Los Angeles”
In January I included mystery author Susan Kandel in my ongoing series on “Missing Authors.” Susan wrote a series featuring Cece Caruso, a divorced ex-beauty queen from New Jersey who reinvented herself as a biographer of dead mystery writers and … Continue reading
Mention Cheryl Crane’s name, especially to those of a “certain age,” and you get the usual responses: “Oh yes, Lana Turner’s daughter,” or “Oh yes, the one who killed her mother’s gangster lover, Johnny Stompanato.” But ask them about Cheryl … Continue reading
Some of you are nodding, wondering what did happen to that wonderful writer. Others of you are knitting your brows, thinking “Who in blazes is Gabrielle Kraft?” Gabrielle Kraft published four mysteries back in the eighties. Her series followed … Continue reading
Did you ever have a favorite author whose books you devoured? And then she/he up and vanishes? What happened? Sometimes you find out, but more often than not, you don’t. A case in point for me is mystery author Rochelle … Continue reading